acquisitive prescription

英 [əˈkwɪzətɪv prɪˈskrɪpʃn] 美 [əˈkwɪzətɪv prɪˈskrɪpʃn]

取得时效(参见positive prescription)



  1. China's Civil Code of the draft has made the acquisitive prescription system.
  2. Acquisitive prescription system is an very important system in the civil law tradition.
  3. Both the essential elements of acquisitive prescription and the scope of objectives are emphatically analyzed, and there is a certain space for its applicability in Chinas civil code.
  4. This paper analyzed the conditions and effect of acquisitive prescription in other countries and areas, and the enlightenment to our country.
  5. Maintenance or Discard on Acquisitive Prescription System: Also on the Missing and Construction of Acquisitive Prescription in Property Law in China
  6. Acquisitive prescription is the important system of the traditional civil law.
  7. As the evolution of history continues, the extent of the object of acquisitive prescription is on the rise.
  8. It is necessary to consider the legislation cost to establish the system of acquisitive prescription. Acquisitive prescription is an important aspect of prescriptive system of civil law. Chinese civil law should establish the system of acquisitive prescription.
  9. On Acquisitive Prescription System and Its Value to Chinese Civil Law Practice
  10. On Some Aspects of Title Retention Some Aspects on Acquisitive Prescription Herein, the author discusses seven forms of conflict and analyses the causes in some aspects, such as right, law and interest.
  11. Research on Necessity Providing Acquisitive Prescription System
  12. They are mainly possession and passing the statutory period. Good faith is not necessary, but it can influence the procession of acquisitive prescription.
  13. In our country, acquisitive prescription has not been admitted for a long time.
  14. According to the Roman Law, the possession system features two functions, i.e. possession protection and the right procurement. The function of right procurement is realized through the system of acquisitive prescription.
  15. Acquisitive Prescription system is that when a fact undergoes a period of time, a legal result take place.
  16. The author defines the concept of the acquisitive prescription, verifies the origin of acquisitive prescription and discusses the function, the legal requirement, the effect of acquisitive prescription and so on.
  17. The second part of the article expounds the existence value of acquisitive prescription. It has the function of protecting ownership.
  18. The system of acquisitive prescription is a rational and necessary system under the condition of market economy.
  19. The author further holds that applying the acquisitive prescription system to the farm land utilization right will absolutely maximize the utilization efficiency of land resources and boost the drive of waste-land exploitation.
  20. After considerable analysis, the author considers that the interruptions suspension of prescription can't completely apply to the interruptions suspension of acquisitive prescription.
  21. This chapter analyzes the universality of acquisitive prescription from a comparative law point; cultural acceptability from the perspective of sociology of law; and value of the pursuit from an economic point of view of the reasonable.
  22. Secondly, arguing the sphere of application of the acquisitive prescription system, obtaining the conclusion that the acquisitive prescription system can be applied only in real right law.
  23. The acquisitive prescription system is one of civil law system, and is an important constituent of civil law country.
  24. Private law limit pays great attention to the principle of forbidding the abuse of rights, in which the system takes the adjacent relation, bona fide, acquisitive prescription as representative.
  25. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the civil law countries, the acquisitive prescription to take effect, you must have certain elements.
  26. Acquisition in good faith is an important civil legal system, is derived from the Germanic law principle of "hand in hand", and into Rome law the acquisitive prescription system in the good elements, deductive evolved.
  27. Acquisitive prescription of servitude can maintain and consolidate established fact, assigned to the servitude results in consistency. It has played a role in settling the disputes, embodied the evaluation order and transaction security.
  28. The earliest acquisitive prescription system began in ancient Roman law.